Today was adoozy, but I survived as the pix showed. There was some headache and stomach disorder, but Carol stoppe d at ZmcDonalds for me and thecdiuble cheeseburger stsyed down alongcwithvthe ice tea chaser. And I walked around the block whenbZi got home! I thought that was a success love your comments and your well wishes. Remember you can email or reach me on Facetime at my Apple address(get rid of the Charter. They have lost a number of my mails, because of the cloud transfer. Use [email protected] instead! God bless, Peter

10/30/2013 11:01:31 pm

That chair looks very familiar. That you can eat afterward is good news and to want to walk around the block.

10/31/2013 01:46:30 am

Looking good - funny how fast food is always a top choice after feeling sick - makes no sense but it is true! Take care - see you soon. Dena, Pat, Thomas & Julia

10/31/2013 05:18:20 am

Glad you made it through. I was thinking about you all day. Will try and FaceTime later. Xoxo

Bon and helga
11/1/2013 08:25:29 am

You look as if u just enjoyed some happy juice.???
Peter, your amazing, your story is one of a kind. Keep your
Spirits HIGH.

Steve and Sally
11/1/2013 10:49:15 am

Cheeseburgers after chemo? Good for you. Keep up the good work.

Sharon Bauer
11/3/2013 04:33:06 am

You said you changed your diet for the kidney. Is cheeseburger on the better plan? It sounds like you're doing great. Would love to know the better diet for the kidney.

tamara DeStefano
11/14/2013 03:14:52 am

Hi Peter!
It was so nice to meet you last night at the Cancer Support Group in Athens. I enjoyed listening to your story. You're right, you project very wrello standing up :)
I wish you all the best in the world and pray that your cancer is defeated while keeping your body healthy and strong.
Have a wonderful weekend!!

It was nice chatting with you today in the bank. I look forward to hearing about your trip to the coast.
11/21/2013 08:01:01 am

Peter Goerig
11/23/2013 02:34:30 am

tamara, what a wonderful comment!, yes, i learned a lot from you and some of the other attendeeThank youto the other commenters on this blog , I jut learned a way to reply and also to approve the comments, something I did not know


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