I contacted my Duke oncologist, tonight and informed her, that i lacked the inner emotional and physical strength to commence, what she called aggressive treatments! Without it, I may be a poor candidate and I felt she needed to have this information! How can my body assist in the healing if my tank is empty

Consequently the medical ball is in Duke's court!

However, i need to come up with an action plan to become stronger, both physically and mentally!

One of the thoughts was to find a Spa where Carol and I could check into and get specialized advice and service! But we are not in Europe, where these places are common! I sa w a website from Young Harris, advertising something along those lines, but because of the fall season and people showing up for the change of season, it was difficult to get a reservation!we also considered the beach, but CArol has been driving me all over the place and we scapped that idea!

If any of you on this blog have any ideas along those lines, please sent me a comment and details

Thanks a bunch

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