


The storm that I experienced last week,frightened me to the bone.

I had never felt that withering force before. One look at it and a person knew instantly, "this was it.

Even the Weather Channel storm chasers would know that they had be had.
The French painters were masters in mixing paint and creating these wonderful masterpieces.

Maurice Vlamink was one of these artists, who produced some of the finest black shades for his work.
The storm was similar.

It turns out that the storm was real. It is the cell killer during radiation.

I told Dr Schoenfeld, the radiologist yesterday, that we don't want to do that to my cells. Of course, we will have another meeting.
Hillary Bilheimer
12/4/2012 02:30:19 am

That painting is beautiful. Hang in there. Remember the only necessary treatments are the ones you want to have. I love you. Xo

12/5/2012 12:37:36 am

Yes, hang in there, Daddy. I can't wait to see you so soon. Love, Margaret xoxo


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