I owe lots of gratitude to a number of individuals for making it possible to take this 5 week long trip. First, my wife Carol who stayed behind and took care of all my chores at home and also submitted those encouraging comments. To, Elaine and Fresenius supporting me all the way. I could never have taken this trip if it had not been for their support at all hours.
My thanks to Lori for allowing me to stay in her place. As a result of meeting her I had to change my mindset regarding Oakland. She also found my old Army Buddy Dan at Palo Cedro, one of my highlights. Thank you to my daughters Hillary and Margaret for planning the days at Bolinas and Pt. Reyes. Thank you also Nina, without your suggestion I would never have experienced FtBragg and Mendocino. Thank you also my readers and your special comments. Every comment on your part encouraged me even more.

Finally, does technology matters on a trip such this one?

It is amazing that a little sliver like this I-touch provides you with all the tools you need to keep a blog. It was amazing to me that I would not have a cell signal for my phone, but encounter a WiFi network almost anywhere. I could keep up with was going on in the world, except in Oregon where they blocked access to my German daily newspaper, because someone had detected a top less woman on it. I was also thankful to the brilliance of daughter Hillary. She remembered that she could revive her I-Phone, which had all our Bolinas driving instructions, by plugging it into her laptop. At close to midnight surrounded by pitch black terrain we were considering spending the first night in the car. Technology was very important as we would not step into a restaurant, unless the girls consulted with "yelp" an I-Phone application.

Finally, Carol and I have to work on our airport pick-up routine do we can shorten a 6 hour wait on my part. Like two ships passing in the middle if the night we were missing each other. I thought she would meet me at curb lane, she looked for me at the carrousel inside. Her cell phone was safely back home in the other car. Many thanks to my good friend Charlie who picked me up at after one a.m. and took me to emergency. Good friends are priceless.

I am still awaiting results on a Catscan regarding my internal bleeding and I do hope they will find the root cause soon.

Regarding this blog. I am not sure if I want to continue it. It had been a lot of fun. The people I have met on this trip have been special and I do hope you have enjoyed reading about them. There was Sharon who upgraded my room in the Redwoods along with Steve and Thor, there was Theresa who made the week in Ft Bragg possible. I do hope that I get to the Pacific Coastline again, except Santa Cruz. If you have been to Panama City Fl you'll know.

God Bless!

The above pix was taken in Athens two days ago. What is the mystery?
7/23/2012 12:37:31 am

The Renster has an (almost) twin! Really, I wonder if they're related. Margaret, what do you think?

7/23/2012 06:27:29 am

Well, I was going to ask if it was his sister, Savannah. He had other siblings, too. They were all found in a box on the side of the road in the Fall of 2009.

Peter Goerig
7/24/2012 12:23:18 pm

Margaret, this dog was born in 2010 according to the owner and also had a brother. She was a foster dog as well and a certain Lacy who works at Petsmart was her adoptive parent.

7/26/2012 10:17:36 am

Aw, well it can't be his sibling directly but maybe they're step-related.

7/23/2012 01:13:52 pm

Crazy! I thought it WAS Rennie for a split second!

Betty J.
7/23/2012 04:46:23 am

Thanks, Peter, for sharing your great trip and blog with friends and family. I have enjoyed being on your trip with you. Welcome back to heat and humidity! No sweatshirts needed here.

Peter Goerig
7/24/2012 12:25:30 pm

Betty, you are right no sweats are needed, unless you want to sweat on them. You've lived in the bay area and can understand the temp changes out there.

7/23/2012 06:29:30 am

And thank YOU Daddy for taking such good care of Rennie, for taking Hillary and I on that trip, for spoiling me for my birthday and for keeping such a great blog. I'm going to miss it!!

Peter Goerig
7/24/2012 12:19:16 pm

Yea, Margaret that birthday Mani-Pedicure and massage was great for me too. It was fitting for the last day of my trip.

Pat H. Johnson
7/23/2012 10:35:43 am

Thanks Peter for finishing your bolg. Really enjoyed your trip wishing I were there especially for the cooler weather. I was in San Francisco, Pebble Beach about 2 years ago with a girl friend the weather was cool and great hated to come home to our hot weather.

Peter Goerig
7/24/2012 12:20:57 pm

Pat, yes the weather change from the Pacific temperance to the Gulf extremes were shocking alright. Yet, it is good to be home again as well.

7/23/2012 01:13:13 pm

Daddy I am going to miss reading about your adventures! You have such a talent for delivering funny, heartwarming versions of your experiences. You'll just need to take another trip! Thank you for keeping this and thank you for allowing me to guest star for a few days. I'll always treasure those memories. XO


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