This is the photo my husband, Chris, drew of our dog, Andre. It's a get well soon card for my dad that he sent with me from Austin, TX because neither he nor Andre could make the trek with me to Duke for the surgery this week. It was well received by my dad and he requested the inclusion of it in a blog because it meant so much to him. We all encourage continued get well wishes as they do so much to boost my dad's spirits. He had a rough day today, adjusting to pain and being moved out of ICU to a whole new staff of nurses. I know it would make him smile to keep hearing from you.
11/20/2012 02:10:09 pm

They kicked you out of ICU already? Wow. I bet the staff over there misses you as much as you miss must them.

You're not on Skype right now, so I'm assuming you're asleep. I hope your pain medication kicked in and gave you some peace. We're all rooting for you out here in California, Rennie especially. I know that whatever setbacks you experienced today you'll reverse again tomorrow. You're a fighter--always have been, always will be.

Miss you. Love you. Sweet dreams. xoxo

11/20/2012 02:11:41 pm

Whoops! "... as much as you must miss them."

11/20/2012 02:23:33 pm

Dear OP!
Take care and please take a rest once in a while! Mach nicht zu viel, lass Deinem Gehirn Zeit sich zu erholen. Ich hoffe sie schmeißen Dich nicht zu früh raus aus dem Krankenhaus!
Ich kann nich so gut zeichnen wie Chris, aber in Gedanken schicke ich Dir schöne Bilder! Denke an all die schönen Dinge die Du schon gemacht hast und alles was noch auf Deiner to-do liste steht. Hoffe Dich bald zu sehen. Love, Xoxo Britta

11/20/2012 05:15:48 pm

Despite what Margaret says about Rennie being your biggest cheerleader in California, I can assure you that I have been paying more attention to your well-being; I've caught him watching Animal Planet twice. I'm sorry to hear that you've had some pain today. I suppose it's part of the healing process, while I'm sure that's little comfort. Hang in there; it will pass and you'll be back to your normal self in no time. Your progress thus far has been amazing!

11/20/2012 05:17:47 pm

By the way Hillary, Chris' drawing is lovely. Tell him I said "hi"! (Although if he's the dutiful son-in-law that I'm sure he is, he's reading this himself...)

11/20/2012 05:36:32 pm

Whoops! Big steps forward and a little slip back. Don't push your body too hard. Give it time to rest and heal. We spring chickens don't bounce back as fast as we used to! Your cheering and praying friends are still with you, Carol, Hillary and Margaret. Rennie and Andre have joined us or maybe we have joined them in get-well wishes.

11/20/2012 09:01:59 pm

Lieber Peter, wir haben zusammen Deine Nachrichten in Englisch gelesen. Du weißt ja, daß mein Englisch überhaupt nicht gut ist, leider, - ich sollte es doch wieder etwas lernen.Nun habe ich gelesen und gesehen, daß Du die Operation hinter Dir hast. Wir wünschen Dir auf jeden Fall mit Gottes Hilfe viel Kraft und hoffentlich wieder vollständige Genesung.Deine Hanni und Oswald

11/20/2012 10:03:28 pm

Andre looks so debonair. Keep up the positive energy, Super Peter! You'll be back in 5 Points in no time!


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