Day 36, Magic Number 6. Happy Valentine’s Day, lovers and lurkers! (Are you a “lurker”? I am told that’s the term for folks who follow a blog but don’t post comments.) Today, don’t be a lurker! Post away and send Peter your love.
Lis was able to make that long trek from Marietta to Athens yesterday. She brought us a kettle of spinach soup and took Peter to his radiation appointment; then he wanted to run some errands, so she helped him with that, too. Then, to top it off, she stayed with Peter while I went to my weekly drumming session. Thank you, Lis. Peter felt up to taking a walk yesterday, too, and he and Lis walked around the block.
Peter had his weigh-in Tuesday, and sure enough, he has gained nearly ten pounds since last week. Everyone was very pleased.
Now we have another errand, so I must go. Peter wants to stop at Kroger to buy some flowers for the radiation techs. How sweet is that?
Have a heart-warming Valentine’s Day with your sweeties, everyone, and do something nice for someone!
Steve and Sally
2/15/2013 04:21:55 am

Ten pounds in a week, Peter, that is really good news. Just a few more days of radiation and then DONE!! The radiation techs will surely miss you Peter.

2/15/2013 08:29:37 am

Flowers for the radiation techs : what a lovely thought !
Peter, you are always showing attentions to the others and bringing joy around you ! Enjoy your weekend without treatments.Love.

2/17/2013 08:06:22 am

Peter and Carol
Thank you both so much for taking us to the Big Apple Circus in 2009. We all went again on my birthday this week and it was just as wonderful. We thought of you being there with us Peter constantly and wished you could be but we all knew if not for yours and Carol's kindness before, we wouldn't have known to go! I think we'll have to find some videos of the current acts on YouTube and send to you, if we can, because there were a couple of innovative ones.

We all send our love, Julia, Thomas, Dena, and Patrick


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