I don't recall ever being at a place where 20 feet could produce a perfectly calm setting or be the difference of 20 degrees in temperature or 40+ mph wind pinching back your ears. Surreal! If we wanted to experience the famous San Francisco fog, we had come to the right place.

We had come to Sausolito - very cute village on the other side of the Golden Gate bridge - to pick up Margaret at the ferry terminal. It was sunny and there was not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was almost too warm. Then driving approximately 2 miles we almost encountered arctic conditions. Quite an experience.
The fog would never lift enough to catch the bridge post in the background.

It is great to be together with Hillary and Margaret. The girls cooked a great dinner and we managed to grill fresh salmon. Our place is just perfect.
7/10/2012 10:24:36 pm

That's the picture I've been waiting for! My girls! Looking so happy to be together! Only Rennie is making The Face, but that's his natural expression. He's not a big smiler. Now let the storytelling begin!

7/12/2012 01:16:33 am

Well, you know he's not much of a talker, either. I'm afraid you'll have to rely on Daddy for the stories.


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