Yesterday morning when Rennie and I walked around Lake Merritt I had left my I-Touch behind and missed this spectacle. However, this morning we left the flat at 6:30 and the mettle had added another member. Although I must say the 4 yesterday were in more of a rhythm and I think they could have been choreographed with some African drums they were so good. I think if you watch closely they three in the center show you what I mean.

Apologies for the "shook up" picture. I almost did not post it, but I wanted to make a point and they had locked the doors when I wanted a retry.

I had been behind in my prayers for people I love and have had surgery or will face one soon. So if you have to let lose and do some serious pleading with god, where do you go? If you are really bad off, I am told that Lourdes located in Southern France would be the only place you have a chance. Well what do you know, right around the corner there is this church called Our Lady of Lourdes. That said, you enter it and instead the usual small dish with holy water to greet you, there is that flowing fountain. I think you could jump into the pool if the spirit would move you. The front of the church has that crucifix hanging over the altar; however you can see the altar is arranged in a circle with chairs to the side and in back. Of course, the main ship still has the majority of the pews.

Music consisted of an organ player and a tenor with a Guitarre. I was taken with his clear voice leading the congregation in song. The readings and gospel were explained by the presiding priest and my mind had drifted off a bit (which it does often during the sermons). The reason was that he mentioned that Jesus was taken aback by the people from his own town, who questioned his roots and did not heed the substance of his message. He then after letting them know what he thought of their lack of faith, proceeded to teach in neighboring villages. That put a different twist to the way I always viewed the goodness of his teachings. A little human, "take it or leave it" message, there?

Anyway, another music rendition of the Lord's Prayer took us the Holy Euchorist and with glad heart to the recessional hymn, Joyful, Joyful, we adore you. Like always I love this song, I guess I am partial to Beethoven and I am admitting it. We had completed the first stanza and were halfway to the second, when it happened!

I suddenly was struck by the personal discovery that this particular part was my sort of "leitmotiv" of my current journey out here. Here are the words:

All your works with joy surround you,
Earth and heav'n reflect your rays,
Stars and angels sing around you,
Center of unbroken praise;

Field and forest, vale and mountain,
Flowery meadow, flashing sea,
Chanting bird and flowing fountain,
Praising you eternally!

Yes, the tall Redwoods, the endless fields of wildflowers, the raging waterfalls, the great Pacific, the magnificent birds, the helpful people, what a great supporting cast.

I was by then not able to hold a tune (what else I'd new?) and I could not read the letters any longer soaked up in emotion over how wonderful life and love of god is. There was applause at the end of the song. Hey, wait a minute applause in a catholic church, when will the miracles end?

Here Julie, Dee and Sally and anybody I have not listed and are in need of supporting prayer, I am offering you this uplifting song of joy. There is so much beauty around us all created for our enjoyment. Consequently, as you recover from your surgery and each step or motion seems to be unbearably difficult, know in your heart that better days are ahead and that god is on your side. Julie, I was sorry that I could not light the promised candle, it seems that this church does not provide this service, but I was requesting special care for your difficult journey.

I wish each off you the joy of the remaining Sunday. God Bless!

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