The mélange is composed of immense blocks of highly resistant rocks (cherts, greenstone and sandstone) within a matrix of softer more easily eroded rock(mudstone). The more resistant blocks survive the erosive power of the ocean and form the Seastacks! Seastacks as seen in the above picture are most commonly associated with the Franciscan mélange. If you look closely you can see the Seastack is the home of thousands of birds, who appreciate the in accessibility from humans. Here the range from the following: Cormorants, Pigeon guillemots, Brown pelicans, ring billed gulls, Willets, Surf Scoters and Common Murres. I also saw my first Western Bluejay. He dove in the dumpster and stole off with his treasure.

Tomorrow I will check out and travel the 200 miles to Crater Lake OR. There awaits me another cabin for 4 nights. Hope they have WiFi


6/16/2012 08:06:01 am

I can now see where Margaret gets her wanderlust from....and her ability to translate it into words. Between the two of you a wonderful travel log is emerging.

6/16/2012 08:42:10 am

Like the way you look at the things ... you see beauty in life which only rare people do ... unfortunately !!!

Carol Goerig
6/16/2012 11:31:24 am

The sea stacks! I have lots of photos of them, one of which shows Hillary wearing one as a hat. My photos look to be taken with black and white film because the fog had set in. I looked at that photo of yours several times before I saw Rennie...he blends right in.

6/16/2012 06:26:54 pm

Dear OP! I am very happy that your Trip is so good and its nice to Be with you a Little while Reading your Blog. Take Care!!! Big hug! Britta


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