Yes, this was a huge, emotional experience to see my long time Army buddy again after all these years. No matter how prepared you are when the moment comes you simply just hug and let the feelings flow.
Dan not just up at the door steps of my motel, but also delivered the new cycler and allowed me to resume my treatments last night without a hitch.
Then today Rennie and I trudged out to their place in Palo Cedro. How do you describe the indescribable? Dan and his wife Darlene - a LA gal - had taken 3 1/2 acres of cattleland built their main homestead by using their own design and handiwork and incorporated material from Dan's parents home from NJ. As they had two horses a barn needed to be built. As an office for Dan was needed, they both designed one in octagonal fully glassed structure right under the tree canopies. His "hobby house" has to be the most unique structure any male could have in his backyard. I don't know the square footsge, but i think a family of four could establish residence He has things like a Foosball and Tabletennis and has several toy train layouts, but the crown jewel is a Private Theater. His passion for movies took him to replicate the De Asti theater and has a movie collection rivaling MGM. He showcased the movie Rio complete with 3D interactive glasses. I was blown away.
Living out in the country they have an abundance of deer, basically grazing off his azaleas. Enter Rennie the deer chaser. He amplified Dan's "shoosh" by taking off after the biggest deer and in an unbelievable sequence chase the deer across the open field. The deer saved himself by leaping over a 4 foot fence, with Rennie going sideways in an all out full stop when he saw the fence. Then he trotted back. He won the hearts of Dan and Darlene. They had never experienced such a dog and wanted me to leave him behind.

We also spent hours on just catching up on 45 years worth of news. Dan promised me to sent me the pictures he took while we travelled the French and Dutch countryside in his 1967 Beetle. I guess I will have to hide a couple of the pictures as it shows me with my French girlfriend of long ago.
Believe it or not this is still the Bug we rode in late 1966 just before I mustered out.

Oh, the dialysis worked out great and we are on the move to the vicinity of Ft Bragg tomorrow.

Cheers, me
6/21/2012 06:15:45 pm

So happy that you are having such a great trip. You and Rennie now have fans all over the country. Your trip and reunion have been made more interesting with her as your companion. Good to know that you are back on track with the dialysis. Continue your adventures with such enthuiasm and success.

6/22/2012 04:25:22 am

I've been so busy I haven't been keeping up with your blog, and apparently I've been missing a lot!
How exciting! I'm so glad you were able to reconnect with Dan. Sounds like an amazing meeting, with the old VW and all. You're having an amazing trip, it seems. I'm envious.
Here's hoping the rest of your adventure continues to be so nice.

Peter Goerig
6/22/2012 03:47:17 pm

Lori, you made it possible for me to have this reunion. Thank you again from both of us. Incidentally, Dan showcased Rio in his private theater, is this a Pixar release?

Do you have a ride to the airport, next Friday? I still can work something out an take you.

Margaret Goerig
6/25/2012 10:44:22 pm

Yes, she has a ride.

Carol Goerig
6/22/2012 07:33:11 am

What do you think Rennie would have done if he had caught the deer?
I'm glad to hear your reunion with Dan was so satisfying, and also that you have a new, working cycler. Maybe "four's the charm", since "three" obviously wasn't!

Peter Goerig
6/22/2012 03:49:58 pm

Rennie was fast, but the deer went into overdrive, especially leaping over the fence. We both felt that the deer was just toying with Rennie.

Margaret Goerig
6/25/2012 10:43:36 pm

Rennie, the deer chaser! I love it. I also love that you did not leave him behind with Dan and Darlene, though I remember clearly all the offers I used to get, too, when I would stay somewhere and he would win the hearts of my hosts; he was my little ambassador.

Reading about your reunion was lovely. I am so happy it worked out and I can't wait to see pictures from the countryside.

6/29/2012 01:38:58 am

This post is great! I can't believe you were able to make contact with Dan and share all those memories and the catch up on the last 45 years together! That is truly amazing and so cool that technology makes reconnecting so much easier. Also, I would have paid a lot to see Rennie chase that deer. So cool.


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