There was this very nice wall hanging up in my patient ward and I took a picture, however, then I had my relapse and did not post anything for awhile. .

I still feel that we are close to Kwanzee and the wonderful message to publish it
late.Note, item #7
Gary and Elizabeth
12/31/2012 09:50:55 pm

So glad you are up and about. that's a very good sign. Gary and I watched a fascinating show the other night about Kwanzaa, narrated by Maya Angelou. Had no idea the celebration only started in this country so recently...thought it had been a tradition for hundreds of years. Not so. I guess until Hallmark blesses it, it doesn't officially exist! Stay better each and every day. Hugs to you and Carol often.

Michele Simpson
12/31/2012 11:54:42 pm

Dear Peter and Carol,
We have been traveling on family concerns to Iowa. Hence, we have not kept in touch as we have wanted to, though you have done an excellent job keeping us updated via the blogs. We wish you both an incredibly delightful 2013, one that is filled with laughter and good health.

Steve and Sally
1/1/2013 04:31:31 am

Sure do like the fancy head gear in the previous post. Love hearing you are feeling better each day and are now taking walks. Keep up the good work and a very Happy New Year to you and Carol.

marianne stipe
1/2/2013 10:06:12 pm

Peter, Just back to your blog and WOW!!! Lots of changes since the last time I checked in. Know that in all of this there are a lot of us holding you close to us and in also prayer that Our God will hold your hand and let you feel His presence. Love, Marianne

1/17/2013 09:17:30 am

Ummm, helllllooo Peter. Helllloooo. I keep checking back and you're not blogging. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who misses your updates! How are you doing?


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