Some of you knew that the second night would not be a walk in the park for me and indeed it was not. Yet, Chris my son-law's painting of Andre my grand dog and Margaret's video of my other granddog, somehow alleviated my pain and allowed me to relax enough to give the pain med a chance to work

Currently, I feel much better at 7 am this morning.

I am scheduled to see the oncology team mid-morning and be prepared to be released to my hotel room for the next two days. They and Dr. Friedman have declared my procedure a total success and more than likely will release me today.

This whole ordeal has not been easy. Yet, the support l have received here and from you has been unbelievable. Technology connecting me through loved ones right into ICU wherever they happened to be in clear facial outlines. It was almost like a reality show. The many comments felt like "you got mail! Seeing that I had almost 1000 hits, let you know that my cup was runneth over.

But that was not all, friends were married like Ed and Mary Ann and shared that joy on this blog my Nephew in Laos engaging a Buddhist monk and temple to be closer to me. Jonatan sea gull's bringing me a gift from the sea, my niece sending me a bunch of guardian angels in the mail, Penn's Tinkerbell painting. I am soooo blessed!

There will be post operative treatments. They take their tumors seriosly around here. and as find out more I'll share the information. I feel Duke was the right choice for me

Once again, thank you carrying me on your wings the past few days.

p.s. a couple people contributing to this blog are thinking of getting either an I-pad or the smaller mini

Without my I-pad I woulld not have been able to enjoy this great support. Your budget has to decide which model you choose.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. It is indeed an especial holiday fir me this year. I love you, Peter
Marcie and Rich Hill
11/20/2012 09:04:38 pm

Just learned of your ordeal thru Pete and Penny. Surely hope you continue to get good news and know that you are in our prayers.


11/20/2012 09:18:23 pm

Just wanted to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know this has to be the best Thanksgiving you ever had. Keep improving so you can return to Athens soon. Bless you and have the best day tomorrow. Carol and Hillary I know you went through some rough times this past week and thankfully the angels were watching over all of you. Love,. Dee and Joe.

11/20/2012 10:53:50 pm

Glad to hear you've made it through the second-day blues - we will surely miss you (and Carol, Margaret, Hillary and Chris) on Thanksgiving and are so thankful that you're on the road to recovery. Will be checking in later for more good news. XOXO from me and Pat, Thomas & Julia.

11/20/2012 11:20:49 pm

We have had so many wonderful Thanksgivings with you, Carol, Hillary, Margaret. We will be there in spirit with you this year. We are so happy you are on the road to recovery.

Steve and Sally
11/21/2012 12:02:46 am

Think about you every time we walk the beach. Hope you have a better night tonight. Keep it up.

Nancy Dove
11/21/2012 12:09:01 am

Take care of yourself and God bless your family. I will count as one of my many blessings this year our friendship. Hugs to you and yours.

Nita Jones
11/21/2012 03:38:30 am

Peter, so very thankful that things went well for you. I think I had the facebook group praying for you. Even my line dance class. I wish the most blessed Thanksgiving ever. Many hugs, Nita

11/21/2012 03:57:16 am

Peter, know that many prayers are lifted up for you from Conyers. I am so grateful that this will be a Happy Thanksgiving and wish you all the best in recovering.

Angela Jones
11/21/2012 12:53:49 pm

We are thinking of you and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I know you are going through so much. It sounds like you are in the best hands there, and glad that you are doing so good after surgery.
Enjoy time with your special family.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Prayers & Hugs,
Angela, Dwayne & Alex


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