Another day behind me. Dr Ranjan called this morning. They are still discussing options with surgeon. Further treatments will involve Avastin, could have adverse impact on kidneys. In addition,chemo is also part of discussion. They want to shrink my new mass

I have come to an inner resoltion, that whatever they suggest we need to be aggressive

I also feel that with your continued support I can handle anything. The surgeon also knows, that I don't want to go through an operation every 12 months or so. What is helpful my surgeon is a careful doctor and understands the associated risks. Dee treated me a chicken biscuit, this morning, which was out of this world.

Dena have a great trip to Austin. You will fall in love with Nena. I call her a toy dog! Of course, seeing your brother and Hillary will be great as well!

Steve and Sally any progress on Steve?

Marie Jeanne we miss you. Thanks for the pictures of the family. Tell Frederic we love his family.

Britta. That Skype call last week was out of this world!

Hopefully boyfriend Bernd did not take offence to Pfundskerl!

Any plans for a visit with him and yourself soon? Raphael. Anything the Buddist monks can do for me in Laos, i am all for it! Much love to all, especially to my daughters, who just keep lifting my spirits on a daily basis. Much love to Panos and Mary for just dropping everything and stay for a week!

Special birthday greetings to MaRianne, who is recovering from a devastating fall. Betty and Sally for sending those delightful cards via snail mail. I am so blessed!

10/3/2013 09:30:44 pm

Thank you Peter! Very much looking forward to seeing Hil and Chris, and, of course, Andre and Nina. I will give her a hug for you!

10/4/2013 01:11:14 am

Peter, Carol and Lis,

Many thoughts and prayers are with you as you face difficult decisions and days. May you feel God's presence and the prayers of others. You are special. Betty

Steve and Sally
10/4/2013 03:30:56 am

Thanks for the update Peter. We hate to think of you having even more treatments, etc., but whatever it takes. Good to hear you want to be aggressive. Thoughts and prayers are with you always. Steve is getting a second opinion concerning his shoulder.

10/4/2013 07:08:47 am

Peter, I am of the opinion that biscuits can fix anything followed by cookies as a close second.

You and I are so blessed with wonderful children - we held their hands when they were little - now they hold ours.

Praying for you every morning.

Love, Marianne

Peter Goerig
10/4/2013 11:43:16 am

Marianne, thank you for your most insightful perspectives. You are so right. I call it the circle of life. Of course, i would love to fill this blog to brag on my daughters as well.

I do hope you are doing better as well!

10/4/2013 05:10:43 pm

Peter, a good and brave decision!
It would be great if we could skype on Saturday on Sunday.
Love, Gerta

Peter Goerig
10/7/2013 11:20:15 am

Let' soot for 1500 tomorrow afternoon Bundesliga Spiel?du weisst Charlie sind totalle Zuschaauer. Herzlichst, peter ub


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