All summer I wore a straw hat and protected the surgery scar. The weather has turned cool and I did not want to look like hayseed. So Carol found this replacement. It has secured me along with a number of complements hope you like it. The shirt was given to me by Gerta during my last German trip and has scmeat tie to go along. Ladies know how to dress their men. What do you think?
Steve and Sally
10/25/2013 03:20:34 am

Love the new hat Peter, and we are happy to hear you are starting more treatments next week. Keep the great attitude.

Peter Goerig
10/26/2013 12:36:41 pm

Thanks Sally and Steve. How is Steve coming along withvhisvsurgery! The hat was bought and selected by Carol the strawhats were great during thecsummer on ptotectingmy scar , but with the cooler weather moving in, I did not want to lookvlikecachayseed!

10/26/2013 12:34:45 am

Love that hat! Very "Indiana Jones" I think!


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