That was fast track indeed, all the way around.

The tumor was removed. It was classified as malignant, consequently we are staying, until Monday to find out more regarding the specific treatment. The treatment will be designed here, but transferred to Athens.

I have been surrounded and spoiled by daughter Hillary, sweetheart, Carol, sister Lis and boyfriend Chuck ever since leaving the medical center.

My spirits are returning even did a mid- day exchange, Elaine!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody and God Bless,

11/21/2012 07:29:51 am

So glad the tumor's gone! Praying for you!

Steve and Sally
11/21/2012 07:54:13 am

Hope the fast track continues through the treatment as well. Our love to all of you and thanks again for keeping all of us up to date.

Mary Anne
11/21/2012 11:18:42 am

Glad you are out of the hospital in record time. Keep us posted on your progress. See you in Athens soon.


Nancy Dove
11/21/2012 01:24:43 pm

I am confident you will beat this. You are my hero. Enjoy your family time.

11/22/2012 12:10:31 am

No biggie, Daddy. It's just as we used to always say in the middle of a big hill: time to dig in.


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