How do you say "Thank You , for the multitude of support I have received? The countlesswell wishes via this blog, the beautiful cards via snail mail, the phone callsand above all the personal visits at our residence. Let me assure you that every contact lifted my spirits in a special way allowing me to forget my predicament for a short time and feel that healing is possible. Without your daily support i am not sure if I had progressed as nicely. Carol and Hillary deserve special praise fo continuing the blog while my brain learned the QWERTY layout again. Forgive me if there are typing mistakes, i am still adjusting.
The knowledge that you are my ever present support gives me the strength to "hang in there"!

The visits from my daughters and brothers were special along with my stays with my sister Lis. It is amazing the amount of strength you receive from a personal visit. The same has to be said from the many meals we received from you. It seemed that at times an additional refrigerator would have come in handy.

For the lack of an eloquent response of gratitude, let me just offer a simple "Thank you!

I will try to keep up the blog myself as good as I can and I am looking forward to your posts as before.

Quick look ahead!

HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all your mothers amongst us. Hopefully, the people close to you will spoil you beyond belief.
Next week will be busy around here.
Tomorrow, Carol will return fro her drum camp and I will drive myself to Athens again.

Tuesday, it will be dental office as the cancer treatment requires extra cleaning

Wednesday, it will be the oncologist and a return to chemotherapy( something I am not looking forward to. Even though it is only a five day cycle it is a stressful time period.

The first days of June will call for a return to Duke and an array of tests, including MRI

Then my sister Gerta will visit with my grand niece Laura. That should be a lot of fun as we are trying for a short stay at Hilton Head. Somewhere in between we have to schedule a lunch in Athens and a goodbye get together with Tatiana, who will relocate to Vienna, Austria! Lucky girl!

So you can see that there is life after dialysis or even brain cancer

5/11/2013 06:54:41 am

Peter - we are so excited that you are making such great leaps forward. You are always in our thoughts. We had a wonderful visit in Texas last week with Chris and Hillary - and now they are celebrating their 10th anniversary. A wonderful couple. We are blessed to have all of you in our family!

Gary and Elizabeth Hyman
5/12/2013 01:42:54 am

What a terrific, uplifting report from you, Peter. And we are all grateful for you and your exceptional recoveries, each step of the journey. Happy day to you, father of the kids. Time for all to celebrate!!!
Many hugs....hope to see you for a group lunch soon.

5/12/2013 09:27:06 am

So nice to hear you again, Peter ! You are always in our thoughts ...

Steve and Sally
5/12/2013 11:17:57 am

Peter, how good to hear from you again. You have made such great strides in your recovery, it must be a really good feeling.

5/12/2013 11:32:54 am

What a wonderful report in your blog----a blog written by you made it even more special---almost as special as you and your family. You and Carol need a social secretary to keep up with your appointments and social activities. Isn't it great to have things to do other than doctor appointments. I pray that this next round of chemo will go well. Take care of yourself, my friend.

5/12/2013 11:47:43 am

What a perfect Mothers' Day present from you, Peter...your first blog post in a long time, and such a heartfelt one, too. We are all excited to know you are back in the saddle and on the keyboard, because YOU are the one we want to hear from. If there were mistakes, I didn't see them, but that might be because there's something in my eye. I am grateful for the healing that is taking place in you and for Lis, who made it possible for me to go to drum camp again this year and to relax and enjoy every minute of it.

Hillary Bilheimer
5/12/2013 12:52:08 pm

Daddy! It's so great to have you back on the blog! I'm so proud of all of the progress you are making and look forward to the milestones still to come. I love you and your fighting spirit! Xo

Nancy Dove
5/13/2013 12:26:09 pm

God bless you Peter. Glad you are doing well my friend.

Mary Anne
5/13/2013 11:49:35 pm

Great to see you on the blog again, Peter! Your typing is much improved from the previous post! Glad you had a good visit with Lis while we were drumming our hands raw. (OK, "raw" is an exaggeration.) I hope everything goes well this week. Hope to see you soon.

5/21/2013 06:00:18 pm

Lieber Peter, erst heute lese ich Deinen ausführlichen Blog!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Du hast alles so perfekt formuliert, besser hätte es der beste Schriftsteller nicht machen können!!!
Und welches Glück, dass Du aus dieser großen Lebenskrise so wunderbar herausgekommen bist! Laura und ich freuen uns sehr, Dich und Carol im Juni in die Arme schließen zu können! Alles Gute für Deinen Besuch im Duke am 3. Juni, wir denken an Dich!!!
Deine Gerta


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