We had another great lunch, thanks to Elisabeth and Betty on Friday! It was great for me to get all thesevwonderful hugs from thevladies, but dont worrythe menfolk were there along with Carol as well , so I did not get into trouble I will update the pix as soon as possible. I also had a visit scheduled with Dr. Vrana my local oncologist. We had a frank discussion, because I thought of securing a second opinion at MD Anderson down thecroad! He made it clear to me that it would not just be unwise, but unfruitful! They have the samedata and more than likelybsuggest the same sggressive trestment, which obviously is more difficult, becsuse of my bum kidneys!

Consequently we are staying here in Athens, but will start thectreatments next week as the Doc made it clear to me, that doing nothingvequalled a suicide sttempt on my part. Pretty stark message, but it gave me a boot in the seat of my pants!

Consequently next week, we will start and I just have to push through withvyour support. I am makingvgreat progress on my new " Normal stay tuned, there may be some surprises! If you have read my postscon paradigms, it will eventuellycome together Bless, you have been fantastic!

Peter Goerig
10/26/2013 01:43:00 pm

We did not have a specific assignment as it was open seating. I wound up being seated next-to Gary', Elisabeth' husband. ' slight disappointment as Gary is great?, howeverbIbhadvhopedctobcatch upbon Buddie. It turned out to be an amazing lunch, including splitting a desert witlulsomebentertaining cjhats.please let mevexplains. Gary does lot of short story writing plus he forbhis brother. doesdoessongshortvstoriescascwellba$7s make in summary we found out,that we wrote on identical subjects, how do you establish a new normal. He found out that in order to perform that task., you had to go back into your own nornal, way back, something experienced by me as well! I thought it wa eas very uncanny and we both assisted each other. He also had to perform several paradigm shifts along the way, mainly with his brother going back in time and agreeing on a specificoccurence! Just like me! I was stunned at the coincidence


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