We've been with my dad in the ICU for about an hour. He made it through surgery like a champion. There were some immediate issues with pain and high blood pressure but everything is stabilized. He's feeling pretty good right now and making the whole staff laugh with his best Arnold Schwartznegger impressions. I can't tell you how relieved we all are and how good he looks. Keep those comments coming folks! He'll be able to read them soon.
Mary Katsibas
11/19/2012 06:31:29 am

I know you are all very relieved to have this over. Great news! Now for a speedy recovery.

love to you all,

Hilde Wooten
11/19/2012 06:50:02 am

Gott sei Dank !!!!!!
We are soooo relieved !!!!!!!!!
Nun lass Dich verwoehnen, Peter, erhole Dich schnell und
komm bald wieder nach Hause !!!!!!!!

Alles Liebe und 1000000000000000 gute Wuensche von
Hilde und Charlie

Penny Bilheimer
11/19/2012 06:53:07 am

It is go good to see the smile on his face. What a trooper! Also, Carol and Hillary - you are troopers too. Love you all.

11/19/2012 07:01:17 am

So glad to hear it.
All of my best to you guys.

11/19/2012 07:11:40 am

The best news! What a great smile - tell Peter we're thinking of him!

11/19/2012 07:17:56 am

So glad to see that smile. I'm so glad everything went in your favor and that you will be up and around before long. Carol and Hillary I know that it had to be a rough day for both of you. I'm happy that you can get a breath of air and maybe relax and give Peter many hugs that he is out of the hard part. Love, Dee and Joe

Joan Kidd
11/19/2012 07:29:33 am

Will continue to pray for you all and for Peter's speedy recovery. Keep the updates coming, please. It is so good to see his smile!

11/19/2012 07:30:19 am

Hi Peter so glad that all has gone well. Chris and I are both thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery. Love from us all in England x x

Betty J
11/19/2012 07:44:59 am

HALLELUJAH!!! That winning smile warms my heart. Now just recover as well and very quickly,

11/19/2012 07:51:57 am

I'm so glad he's doing so well! There was never any doubt that he wouldn't though which makes me kinda psychic. Tell him when he gets back to Athens I'm now qualified to read his Tarot cards (or whatever it is that psychics actually do.) Much love you, Carol, Hillary & Margaret.

11/19/2012 07:58:10 am

I'm so glad to hear the wonderful news. Love seeing that smile!

Love to you all,

Steve and Sally
11/19/2012 08:13:42 am

Great news. We have been thinking about all of you today. Thanks Hillary for the updates. Much appreciated.

11/19/2012 08:18:27 am

We are so glad and relieved here in France too !!!
Love to you all,
Marie-Jeanne and family

Mimi Morrissey
11/19/2012 08:18:41 am

Looking good Peter! We have all been praying for you and are SO happy to hear the good news. Bo sends you a big hug and a big jump! Love Mimi
ps my sister had a big baby boy last night!

Elizabeth and Gary Hyman
11/19/2012 09:20:44 am

Oh, Peter, what great news. And what a champ you are to have your wonderful post-op smile recorded for all of us to delight in! Many hugs...and thanks to your family for keeping us updated and near to you.

11/19/2012 09:29:14 am

Thank YOU you got the spirit of a Samurai. You were looking at it with a calm mind a smile and you ended it (maybe slightly exhausted) but still with a calm mind and a smile! GREAT! take a rest you now deserve it!

Michele Simpson
11/19/2012 10:02:49 am

Thanks so much for the updates and for sharing that incredible smile with us. You all are in our thoughts and meditations.

11/19/2012 10:57:49 am


You look terrific. We are so thankful everything went well but we knew it would. Keep up the wonderful attitude! Hugs, Joan and family

Nancy Dove
11/19/2012 11:38:56 am

God bless all of you. He looks great!

11/19/2012 01:38:28 pm

You look fantastic! So relieved that everything went so well and that your spirits are so good!

11/19/2012 01:44:08 pm

Gooooooooo, Daddy! I'm so beyond relieved; words don't express it. I love you. Keep makin' 'em laugh. xoxoxoxoxo love, Margaret

11/19/2012 02:19:32 pm

Dear OP!
Ich bin soooo froh, dass Du die Operation so gut überstanden hast. Congratulation auch an Deine Ärzte!!! Übernimm Dich bitte nicht gleich. Kuss und ganz dicke aber vorsichtige Umarmung. Britta

Mary Anne
11/19/2012 08:21:52 pm

Ed and I are so happy and relieved. Keep on the same path and hurry home. Love and hugs to you and Carol and Hillary and Margaret.

11/19/2012 10:30:59 pm

Just one final comment before the day sets to its end ... (21:30 in Laos) ... you made maybe not only MY DAY but I´am confident YOU made the day for at least a couple of dozens. Thanks for that buddy ! :o)

Kelly Sadosky
11/20/2012 06:50:12 am

I'm so happy for all the great news! Carol, Margaret, and Hillary I am also thinking about you three as well as I know how much you love your father/husband! Peter I'm praying that you recover quickly.

11/21/2012 08:37:04 am

Peter, So glad you have been released and in a hotel room. Sorry to hear about the diagnosis, but know you can handle the next step!
You have many who love you and are praying for you. Keep the positive attitude - I know you will count your blessings Thanksgiving.
Have a blessed day. Love to Carol and Hillary as well. Joan

11/27/2012 10:04:01 am

11/27/2012 10:04:32 am

Hi Peter,

Welcome Home! I will try and call you and talk to you instead.


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