What a month this has been!  Hillary was with us when June started off, and she occupied the left seat for most of the drive up and back from Duke, giving us moral support at the same time.  Back in Athens, Peter experienced some pain in his abdomen and, thinking that he might have diverticulitis, his doctor sent him for a CT scan, which came back negative.  The pain soon went away on its own.

Peter’s three brothers from Germany had all flown over to visit with us this year, and sister Gerta was the only German sibling who had not, until this month, when she made the trip, accompanied by her 20-year-old granddaughter, Laura.  Gerta’s most recent visit was in ’03, for Hillary and Chris’s wedding and Margaret’s UGa graduation, but Laura hadn’t been to the States yet.  We had a wonderful week with Gerta and Laura, and even managed to drive down to Hilton Head and spend four days at the beach, a real treat for all of us.  Peter was in good form and took a lot of beach walks.  Back in Athens, Gerta took charge of the flower garden and she and Laura worked themselves into a real sweat every day (Gerta:  “I don’t think I could live in this country.  I would have to spend too much time fixing my hair!”) as she tore out heat-blasted pansies and replaced them with other plants she had chosen at the nursery.  Then, yesterday, we all cleaned up and drove out to Marietta for sister Lis’s birthday party, which was also a celebration of her recent engagement to boyfriend Chuck and a going-away party, since Lis and Chuck will relocate out West after they marry.  Peter led off the champagne toast with some well-chosen remarks…a feat which would have seemed impossible just a few months ago.

So, Peter is doing well.  He’s a bit off-schedule with his June chemo session, which has been delayed a couple of weeks; however, he plans to start it up again Tuesday, and if things go as planned, he will take his slightly-higher-than-last-month dose of Temodar for five consecutive days.  The good news is that it will be just one pill instead of the six he had to take in May. 

He will have to have his next MRI in August, but it will be here and not at Duke.  Until then, we are hoping for some quiet time and for the continuation of the beautiful weather and plentiful rain we’ve been having.  Peter’s latest wardrobe addition is a straw Panama hat, which looks good with his Aloha shirts, gives him a jaunty sort of Caribbean panache, and protects his head from the sun. 

6/23/2013 04:26:27 am

Sorry Peter, but I cannot see any text this time.
The letters were very pale in your last blog, but this time I cannot see anything at all. Is this the fault of my own laptop?
Love, Gerta

Steve and Sally
6/24/2013 05:45:33 am

Peter, we have the same condition on your previous writing as well as this writing. So I don't think it's Gerta's laptop.

6/25/2013 11:45:31 pm

Sounds as if you had a very full June with good news from Duke and great family visits. Hope the rest of this week is not too difficult
The type on my machine is very clear and easily read for this note.
Take care of yourself and Carol.

Steve and Sally
6/29/2013 09:06:51 am

Good to hear you had a good time at the beach with Gerta and her granddaughter. Now, do enjoy some quiet time.


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