The word of the day is Mawkishness!
I have not checked Wikipidia or Webster' for their latest meaning; however to me the word could describe a multitude of emotions. On the emotional roller coaster I am currently on, I am being torn with waves of emotions. Obviously, the maximium doses of steroids my prescription calls for is one of the culprits; however the intensity of released emotions sometimes make me think I have become a dish rag. Yet, there is relief as I can detail these happenings in this blog

Thank you for the comments regarding my post to Gerta. It was an incredible relief on my part and had been long overdue. Hillary and Hilde I loved your entries.

Today, these loving folks around me, consisting of Carol and our good friends Katsibas will try to find me an appropriate skull cap, lest, it will it not let cold air into my noggin actvity my noggin when they take me to lunch or the park. later.
Speaking of friends, both Mary and Panos Katsibas just dropped everything and checked themselves into our motel providing us with their wonderful support. How lucky can I be!

Have a great day and don't be mawkish, but don't be afraid to show emotions, either. Be bold!
Mary Anne
11/25/2012 02:04:23 am

Glad you are still doing so well! Please tell Carol that I missed her at drumming this morning. We had a great time. All the Palms of Fire folk send their love to both of you.

Ed's offer of "driving help" still stands. Let us know.

Enjoy this beautiful day!

Steve and Sally
11/25/2012 03:45:29 am

Your emotions should be all over the place with all you have been through. Hope the day gets better for you.
Love to all.

Martha and Bob
11/25/2012 06:10:21 am

We're back home in Athens after our Edisto Beach Thanksgiving. You and Carol have been much on our minds and hearts. Yesterday, I walked to a small dock and came upon a great blue heron sunning itself. About thirty minutes later, it flew away and a great commotion began in the water above the dock. Two dolphin were playing, and three pelicans were joining in. Those magic moments don't repeat themselves, and I thought of you and your gifting gull. We've been glad for the good weather and know that by now you have the perfect cap. And great friends by your side to help process all the information coming your way tomorrow. Thanks for keeping us posted with your blogs--nothing mawkish or maudlin about expressing love and gratitude. Wish we knew Gerta. Know we will be thinking of your tomorrow.

11/25/2012 06:41:52 am

I can say that I just saw said skull cap on Skype and it was not just one but three well-chosen covers for that handsome head. You're doing great, Daddy. Sending lots of love your way from this household in California.

Hillary Bilheimer
11/25/2012 11:28:24 am

Daddy your emotions are expected to be everywhere. You're going through a great deal. A lot of strangers have seen me shedding some tears over the last few days as well! I love you and will keep rooting for you every day! Xo


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