It’s now eighteen days of chemo/radiation/xanax-free living for Peter and what a difference! People who see him lately are telling him how good he looks and how much he seems like his old self again. He’s taking brisk walks every day, sometimes to Earth Fare to buy provisions and carry them home; he’s resumed doing the dishes after I cook a meal; he turns his clothes right-side out without help from me, and he asked to be driven to Office Max to buy Turbo Tax and see if he can file our income taxes. He’s eating normally again: tonight he ate a big hamburger. Following his directions, I took him to his favorite barber shop this afternoon and he got his shaggy head neatened up, GI-style. His hair has taken quite a beating from the surgery and then from the radiation, and all the lengths had to be reduced to one, the shortest! I have to say, he looks much better. One of his sleeping meds seems to be helping to some extent, so he’s getting more sleep, at least after midnight, when it kicks in. The sleeplessness is what’s bothering him the most now, and maybe some gout, which comes and goes.
He just walked in and I asked him what he had to say to the fans. He says he’s looking forward to getting his keyboard skills back and being able to write to you, so you can see that he has no trouble setting priorities!
Hillary Bilheimer
3/13/2013 12:10:57 am

I was so happy to talk to him on the phone and hear that his old voice and his old spirit had returned. I'm glad to hear that things have continued to improve over the past few days. This update is filled with positive news!

3/13/2013 10:54:53 pm

Thank you so much, Hillary, for making these posts possible.

3/14/2013 01:08:48 am

I second that notion. It's been such a sweet relief to hear him back in his own voice. He was even giving me tax advice when we talked on Sunday, so I KNOW he's feeling better : )

3/13/2013 01:17:48 am

WOW! What an uplifting message from you, Carol. News of Peter's improvement has made my day. I can only imagine how great both of you feel about this wonderful improvement. Spring and a lunch date with Y friends are coming soon! Love to both of you.

3/13/2013 10:56:43 pm

Thanks for all your continuing support, Betty. We love knowing you're out there!

Elizabeth and Gary
3/13/2013 01:54:38 am

That is FABULOUS NEWS! Can almost see the two of you actually jumping up and down with glee. Bless you both for keeping all of us updated. And when is Peter ready for lunch with two or three of his Y buddies. Honest, Carol, we'll keep it slow and easy. And you are invited, too, if you can stand that many dames giggling!!!!
Many hugs...........

3/13/2013 10:57:49 pm

No jumping yet, not until we're over our colds. Thanks for the invitation, too!

3/13/2013 05:03:03 am

Wonderful news!

3/13/2013 10:58:30 pm

Yes, isn't it!

Dee Mertz
3/13/2013 06:01:08 am

All I can say is wonderful and Joe and I are very proud of you and Carol for going through all the ups and downs these past months. Looking forward to going out with both of you to Carrabbas and spend some quality time with wonderful friends. Love, Dee and Joe

Jack & Julianne
3/13/2013 06:42:44 am

Never worked a blog before Carol but I just read your 3/13 entry.So happy that Peter is doing so well. Glad that the barber did'nt "skin" his hair. Hope this gets back to you. Our love to you and Peter. Jack & Julianne

3/13/2013 11:04:49 pm

So nice to hear from you and know that you're reading this! Hugs to you both from us.

3/13/2013 11:00:22 pm

Thank you, Dee, for all your support, for the visits and the biscuits and for your cheerful presence.

3/13/2013 11:03:13 pm

Thank you, Dee, for all your support, for the visits and the biscuits and your cheerful presence. Quality times with you and Joe lie ahead!

3/13/2013 11:13:15 pm

Dee, the gremlins have messed with my comments, but keep scrolling down!

Mary Anne
3/13/2013 07:18:44 am

So glad to hear it!!!! Hopefully Ed will be over his cold soon and can go for a stroll with Peter.


3/13/2013 11:06:45 pm

Another thing to look forward to once our germy households get back to good health!

Marie-Jeanne Astier
3/13/2013 09:19:53 am

I'm so glad to hear these good news !
Love to both of you.

3/13/2013 11:08:10 pm

It's always nice to hear from you, Marie-Jeanne, and know you're thinking of us.

3/13/2013 10:08:02 am

Eating more, helping Carol, running errands to Earthfare and walking---what could be better!

3/13/2013 11:09:35 pm

I know! Now if we could just win the Lottery...

Nancy Dove
3/13/2013 12:43:34 pm

What fabulous news! Keep up the good work Peter. Can't wait until you can type your first update but Carol is oing such a wonderful job.

3/13/2013 11:10:56 pm

Thank you, Nancy! We love knowing you're out there, following the blog.

3/14/2013 04:04:33 am

Carol, many thanks for the wonderful news!
I am looking forward to our skype date with Peter and you on Thursday evening (our time).
Love,and hugs,

3/14/2013 04:07:46 am

Sweet news!! Peter, have you tried fresh cherries for your gout? It works for John. Just wondering. Would love to see you when you feel up to it. Prayers.

Steve and Sally
3/14/2013 10:15:19 am

So good to hear you are feeling better, Peter. Carol, we really appreciate your posts, but it will be good to have Peter back at the keyboard. Great news.

3/14/2013 04:13:16 pm

3/14/2013 04:14:25 pm

So Good to hear These Good News! Love you Booth soooo much

Walter und Brigitte
3/14/2013 06:16:05 pm

Dear Carol, lieber Peter
Das sind ja tolle Neuigkeiten über die wir uns sehr freuen. Es ist toll das du dich in deiner Umgebung bis zum Biomarkt wieder bewegst. Das bringt dir Kräfte wieder. Un jetzt kommt der Frühling mit all seinen tollen Gefühlen. Das trägt auch noch einmal zu allgemeinen Besserung bei.
In Liebe
Brigitte und Walter


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