Still cold here, and the trees are looking somewhat apprehensive and half-hearted with regard to their obligation to bloom; not the onion grass, however, which was poking up everywhere until it got mowed yesterday…by Peter! I was shocked to hear the mower being cranked (“Who could that be?”) and, sure enough, there was Peter, all bundled up and pushing the mower out of the garage for the first time all Winter.
Other adventures yesterday included a trip to the doctor for Peter to leave some blood to be tested for exposure to Chicken Pox. We are both trying to get our Shingles vaccinations but one must be certain of having had Chicken Pox because the vaccination can cause the disease in a person who has not already been exposed, and Peter couldn’t be sure.
We also drove to Atlanta Airport to pick up daughter Margaret, who had some business in Cancun and arranged to stop over with us for a couple of days on her way back out to the Bay. We stopped at Mall of Georgia for a good dinner on the way home.
So, you see that Peter is getting out and about and resuming many normal activities once more. He just came in from putting out food for the bluebirds we are seeing on the property. One overstressed male has been flying into our windows, attracting the attention of Lemont, our cat. Bluebird and cat were face-to-face, separated only by a pane of glass and a screen. If birds can have heart attacks, I worry for that one.
3/29/2013 03:00:18 am

The trees are not the only ones worried about going outside these cold days!! Good to learn that you felt like braving the cold in order to tame the onions and other undesirable weeds.
If it ain't one thing, it's another. Are you just looking for complications, Peter, or are they just finding you. Hope you will be able to take the Shingles vaccine to ward off that complication.
Great to hear that Margaret is here for a visit and for Easter. Maybe she will bring some warm weather from either Cancun or California.
Have a great weekend.

4/2/2013 01:32:36 am

Hi, Betty;
The weather was beautiful, indeed. Had it not been a little humid, I might have thought I was still in California. It was a blessing to see my dad doing so well, too. We took long walks together, once even braving the off-road nature trail, which was full of fallen trees and elevation changes, none of which slowed him down one bit. He's a trooper, my father.

Steve and Sally
3/30/2013 10:57:21 am

Things do seem to be getting back to normal for you. Thank Goodness. Carol, we are seeing bluebirds at our suet feeder every day at about the same time. Fun to watch. Happy Easter to you all.

Walter und Brigitte
3/30/2013 08:43:06 pm

Dear Carol lieber Peter
Zu erst einmal ein schönes und friedliches Osterfest. Es ist schön dass Margaret bei Euch sein kann. Es ist schön an solchen Tagen die Kinder um sich zu haben. Wenn wir auf unsere Temperaturen sehen, dann meinen wir eher es ist Weihnachten als Ostern. Die Armen Blumenbauern haben die Gewächshäuser voll, und kriegen nichts verkauft, da der Boden noch voller Frost ist.
Seid Alle recht herzlich umarmt
Brigitte und Walter

3/30/2013 08:54:03 pm

Happy Easter to you all.
It's still cold here too ...

3/31/2013 01:54:36 am

Liebe Carol, lieber Peter, liebe Margret -
hallo, ihr Lieben, und schöne Osterfeiertage! Zum Ostereier-Suchen mussten wir heute die dicksten Wintersachen anziehen, doch in zwei Wochen dann soll der endgültige Frühling einkehren... hoffen wir's!!!
Peter, wie tüchtig von Dir, wieder mit der Gartenarbeit zu beginnen! Und viel Erfolg für Deine anstehende Impfung, wenngleich ich nicht weiß, was "shingles" sind???
Viele liebe Grüße und seid umarmt von
Eurer Gerta


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