My dad after completing his last treatment of radiation today. They gave him a certificate to prove it. He's also wearing a sweater that his sister Gerta knitted for him and sent this week. The temps kindly dipped into the 40s today so he could wear it to treatment. He's been in good spirits all day and is so hopeful for what the future holds. -Hillary
2/22/2013 05:23:34 am

What a nice smile and a handsome man ! Thank you Hillary for this wonderful picture.
I admire you, Peter ; you are a champion to have stayed with the treatments and endured the terrible side effects.You can be proud ... Have a nice weekend in family and enjoy your garden.Love.

Dee Mertz
2/22/2013 05:39:16 am

What a wonderful picture of you. You look great and what a great smile. Know you are glad to have accomplished all your treatments. Hopefullly, you will be able to enjoy food and start putting on some weight. Have a wonderful visit with all your family. Glad you were surprised to see Hillary. You have two great daughters. Joe and I are thinking of you all the time. You and Carol "without an E" have a pleasant weekend. Love, Joe and Dee

2/22/2013 06:05:34 am

Yes. You made it!!!! I am so happy! Thinking every Day of you And sending you all my Love. I Miss you sooooo much. Hope we will See each other soon Again. Love xoxo Britta

2/22/2013 07:39:58 am

Time for the Hallejuah Chorus for completing the course of radiation and chemotherapy. You worked harder or that certifcate than any other one you ever earned. Congratulations!

Have a great weekend with your family. Thanks to Hillary for the picture and for being such supportive daughter to you and Carol.

The sweater is beautiful on a great guy and really needed today.

Steve and Sally
2/22/2013 12:49:18 pm

Best picture yet! You really look great Peter, good to see such a big smile. Now, on to recovery and feeling better.

2/23/2013 03:09:44 am

Liebe Familie / Görig/ Billheimer
Was für ein Tag für Euch. Was für ein tolles Bild von einem glücklichen Peter. Was für eine Anspannung ist gewichen. Wir hoffen dass es jetzt auch noch gute Ergebnisse in Duke am 5./6.3. geben wird. Wir sind mit allen Gedanken bei Euch.
Dicke Umarmung
In Liebe
Brigitte und Walter

Nancy dove
2/23/2013 10:14:02 pm

I am so happy and relieved for you Peter. You are looking great.

Rachel DeBacker
2/25/2013 06:24:32 am

Awesome awesome awesome! He looks very proud! I hope you enjoyed Hillary's birthday all together in Athens!

2/26/2013 03:03:21 am

Wowzer. Lookin' good Peter! So vibrant and handsome. So glad to hear you've made it through, and I'm just hoping you continue to feel better and better!


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