Carol mentioned previously, that the cool weather, coupled with record rainfall, produced stately lilies. Some of you like Betty and Dee have seen them while visiting and know that the pictures do not do justice.

I will try to keep the blog updated on a weekly or more basis. Enough with my sloth like behavior.

Mary Anne
7/16/2013 04:50:25 am


Hope you guys are doing well. It was great to see you; thanks for dinner! I am still swamped with work, but Ed is back. He finally got the yard mowed in between rainstorms last Friday and I did the weedeating on Saturday. Needs it again, of course! But it is once again a mud pit. See you soon.

7/17/2013 10:02:19 pm

What beautiful flowers. Wonderful to have a green thumb. Think of you both often. Hope all is well.

Betty J
7/18/2013 05:17:06 am

Your lilies do photograph beautifully. Hard to believe they are still so pretty after 3 weeks. Your location shows them off beautifully to the neighbors.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Stay cool.

Steve and Sally
7/23/2013 02:17:21 am

Your flowers are unbelievable, you can come landscape our yard anytime.


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