Today is a special day!

It marks my son-in laws birthday. It also is Betty's birthday.

Imagine that, the greatest son-in law a father can hope for and a great friend and nurse, sharing the day.

Betty's husband Ken needs our help today. You see i told him to spoil Betty today beyond her wildest expectations.
I am afraid i have overtaxed him.

But remember Ken bakes this wonderful bread. Perhaps, that is a start!
Actually, I am writing this on Nov 7. Carol took me to Marietta where my sister Lis lives. Lis promised me a lymph node treatment. Yea, that is my sister. She started the treatment and my kidneys have responded with some serious "peeing".

I am sorry being so graphic, but I think it will help me and my Edema condition.

We also stopped at Mike and Mike getting my hair cut. I was going to have Lyric do it before we left, but we ran out if time.

This fellow Mike turns out be quite a barber. He could not give me shave, but gave me quite a great haircut. I will attach a picture later. Turns out he is a jokester as well. You see I asked him about the other Mike, tells me that is him as well. Ingenious, if you ask me, because the next customer will always know the will be served by Mike. I told him to mount Einstein's m2 on the wall.

Then my sister took me to Gary the healer. He had my new smoothie base on sale. He gave me a wonderful hug. I felt his youthful power coursing through my body. It felt great!

Then Lis took me home and gave me a cup of her soup. It was so good, that I asked for more. We also made me a new smoothie. It tasted great, with her own blueberries. We still have to fiddle with the amount of blue berries we want to add.

Oh, before I forget, Hilde managed to surprise me again. She brought over this beautiful St. Nikolaus gift. She also managed to slip me some "coal". Not real coal, but a piece of chocolate looking like a bricket of coal. She is so creative.
Hilde had a tough day yesterday. I called her and told her that stood behind her.

She and her husband Charlie deserves our prayers. Hildchen es wird gut

Then Elizabeth Hyman dropped in and brought me more gifts. She had knitted me a wonderful skull cap and a matching scarf. What about that?

But here was more, Dee Mertz had come with some Tapioca. It seemed to her that nobody was home, but hearing voices, she took her cell phone and called us from the kitchen. Imagine that?

It got our attention, right away. We all laughed her resourceful ness.

Here are the pix I promised.
Mike & Mike
Mike & Mike with my sister Lis

Tatiana good having you back. Your signing up to this blog is very important to me. Please stay!

I have another request, please post to the group if we can help you. You have helped me greatly and it is high time for me to repay the favor

Carpe Diem!

Seize the Day!
I had to go back to Athens Regional Hospital, because of leg pain shooting up my leg

They checked me out for a possible blood clot, but they released me.

I am at home, but scared Carol badly.

I hope to resume our dialog soon. In the meantime, i have not seen any additional count me in's.

Does anyone require any help or special assistance with an issue?




The storm that I experienced last week,frightened me to the bone.

I had never felt that withering force before. One look at it and a person knew instantly, "this was it.

Even the Weather Channel storm chasers would know that they had be had.
The French painters were masters in mixing paint and creating these wonderful masterpieces.

Maurice Vlamink was one of these artists, who produced some of the finest black shades for his work.
The storm was similar.

It turns out that the storm was real. It is the cell killer during radiation.

I told Dr Schoenfeld, the radiologist yesterday, that we don't want to do that to my cells. Of course, we will have another meeting.
Chris, my son-in law has promised, to cover me up with puppies! What a riot!
Perhaps, he can draw it first. I would love it!
Next Saturday morning pile in the car with Lori and Rennie, and drive to Ft Bragg. It is up through the Napa Valley that you will be met by these spectacular redwood trees biding you a welcome.

It will be at the Ocean Inn suites that you have a room waiting.

Rennie, will know the place. He will also know to take you to the beach and teach you to frolic to your hearts content.

This is my gift to you.
Some of you have indicated, that you have benefited from this blog. I am happy to hear that. Consequently, as long as even one person would like for me to continue. I will. Just let me know with a simple "count me in".
The bearer of good tidings my friends,
Hilde and Charlie.

Happiness abounds,
On occasion a song has managed to overwhelm me for the rest of the day or week. Footloose, is one of them. How can you not help it? Crazy tune, crazy lyrics, yet it manages to leave me in a whirl.
Celebration, is the order of the day.

Yesterday, Carol spent the entire day at Athens-Regional. It seems that everybody had a cold and seeked treatment.

It was really hard on Carol. We managed though alright! She even snuck in a McDonald's meal, when she found the hospital cafeteria closed.

Carol had to absorb so much the past few days. Include her with your prayers. She has been a great mother, a better wife than I deserve and I think we have a fighting chance to work out our issues. We both want happiness for each other.